Adamantly Protecting Kansans from Kancare

Kancare is the privatization of Medicaid in Kansas. It puts profit first over people. Three healthcare corporations, two of which are United Health Care & Aetna profit up to 88% of the Federal funds meant to care for Kansans. Kansans health care is at risk and the program can not be run on just 12% of the funds sent by the Federal government to Kansas. That’s why rural Hospitals are being closed, nursing facilities are cutting staff, & Kansans are dying.

This is Mike Distefano’s story. Mike had a life-altering motorcycle accident on September 10, 2006. He was in ICUs & LTachs at 4 medical facilities before we brought him home on February 7, 2007. Knowing nothing about care-giving or the Home & Community Base programs at the time, the challenges were insurmountable. The only benefit of Maneuvering through a chaotic system was that I learned the system, backward & forward. The non-privatized system in place before Kancare wasn’t perfect. But it wasn’t broken. Remember that it wasn’t broken & it was financially more efficient to the Kansas taxpayers.

In 2012 Governor Sam Brownback & his corrupt sycophants misinformed the majority of the legislature to vote in privatizing the state healthcare system. Like all of our overpriced healthcare premiums, Mike’s monthly client obligation skyrocketed. But under this program, no choices in coverage or premiums are allowed. When services & benefits are terminated, the monthly premiums stay the same.

This site is to inform people of the dangers of Kancare. And to help them maneuver through an intentionally fallible system that was put in place solely for profit. Mike’s foundation is a 501c3 and is accepting donations, which are tax deductible. The funds are to pay for attorney fees for the Kansas Fair Hearing In the OAH or Office of Administrative Hearings. This is the only outlet for Kansans to have their services restored when the MCOs randomly and routinely reduce or terminate them.

If you have ever filed for Fair Hearing you would agree that it should be called the UnFair hearing process. The state attorneys take advantage of every Kansan. The attorney’s corrupt actions and briefs are sanctioned by the Fair hearing judges. They allow state attorneys to regularly circumvent the laws. State attorneys inundate Kansans filing for these hearings with legally jargoned documents that are more than hard to comprehend. Attorneys are formally trained to understand these legal documents. So even college grads or people with above-average IQs do NOT understand them. And therefore cannot answer these briefs. Most Kansans cannot afford attorneys. Therefore the system isn’t fair & does not work for Kansans.

Mike’s foundation and the fundraising are explicitly for Kansans to be able to be represented by an attorney. I have chosen an attorney for the purpose of representing Kansans during the Fair Hearing. The information available to maneuver through the chaotic Kancare system is free.

Ready to take the next step?

Donate today to help others get their fair representation during the OAH fair hearing proceedings.